
If I enter into a dream state. If it comes to me in a dream. The feelings are all there waiting. They wash over me. Woosh! The soundtrack of my dreams. The last time I dreamt of her. The ones that tell you something you don't want to know. The lies that dreams cook up. I don't trust them, honestly. I've found the emotional states dreams engender tend to be in essence false. I'm pretty sure the truth of all dreaming is just the flushing of mental debris. The brain cleaned up, the synapses tested and sent back to work. The whole apparatus is given a thorough going over, like a basic car tune-up every few thousand miles or months, depending. Dreaming isn't a narrative, ur-stories, or a language. No "Royal Road." It's the car wash, an oil change. An enema. Shit just flushes out.
The predictive dream tho? Maybe there's a time valve that gets turned on? Dreams do come true, after all. Is dreaming related to willing? If I dream, do I conceive of a thing now made possible? What material am I working with? The days detritus, or the previously unknowable contained in the matter that I am made of? The stuff that dreams are made of?

Dead language driven by the comfort of the knowable.


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