Life or Death
Pragmatism in politics feels like another way of saying we are ok with a total, fundamental lack of moral clarity and moral purpose to guide us. I don't understand how liberals/centrists (and even conservatives/republicans) fail to grasp the ethical argument for electing Bernie. I have hope that the clarity of the moment might sway some, but it's astonishing how deeply capitalist ideology has us in its grips, which is to say we desire a "return" a "status quo," and thus a continuation of injustice and malfunctioning and accommodation to the gods of capitalist profit over the needs of ordinary people. Biden's absurdly defeatist message gives mental relief while Sanders message is simply feared and cannot be accepted or tolerated. While what I hear and see in Sanders's campaign, or movement such as it is, is a plea to our fundamental goodness, a demand for systems of justice for all, and basic, common sense plans that will help the needy and, ultimate...